How Do You Translate these Famous Mexican Phrases into English?

Us people of Mexican heritage have colorful ways of expressing ourselves, either with words that only we can understand how, or with phrases that have been part of our vocabulario for so long that we don’t even know where they originated.

“Ya chole chango chilango
Que chafa chamba te chutas
No checa andar de tacuche
Y chale con la charola

Mejor yo me hecho una chela
Y chance enchufo una chava
Chambeando de chafirete
Me sobra chupe y pachanga”

Photo by  Mariana Villanueva  on  Unsplash

But, what happens when we emigrate to the United States and we want to speak in the same way that we speak in our land, but everyone sees us with a cara de “what”?

Source: Unsplash

This is perhaps one of the hardest things we face when we cross the border. We have to measure our words and think about how to elaborate a sentence so that others understand us, because even people who speak Spanish, who are not from Mexico, sometimes do not understand us.

However, all is not lost, there are some English phrases that have a similar meaning to those we say in Spanish. It may not feel the same to say these phrases without the unique Mexican touch, but they can be of great help to enrich your vocabulary.

1. A donde fueres haz lo que vieres

This phrase could apply to those travelers who are just learning about new cultures. Just look around you and learn from your surroundings.

You can say this phrase like this,

“When in Rome do as the Romans do”

Which means, when you are in Rome do like the Romans.

Source: Unsplash

2. De volón pimpón

This phrase is for hyperactive people who do everything quickly, or when moms ask children to do things as fast as they can, and the way you could say it in English would be,

“Faster than fast”

Source: Unsplash

3. Saca la sopa

If you want to know everything about a gossip, this phrase is the one you should use,

“Spill the beans”

Source: Unsplash

4. Toco madera

For superstitious people who don’t want to be unlucky, just knock on wood and say,

“Knock on wood”

Source: Unsplash

5. Hablando del rey de Roma

When you are talking about a person and they suddenly appear, you can say,

“Speaking of the devil”

Source: Unsplash

6. Está armando un pancho

This phrase could apply when a child is throwing a tantrum or when an adult is so upset that everyone around him is looking surprised.

“He / she is making a scene”

Source: Unsplash

7. Ya nos cargó el payaso

This phrase is very famous among students when they know that they are not going to pass a class. Although it can also apply to a situation where you are in a big problem and do not know how to solve it.

“We’re Screwed”

Source: Unsplash

8. No te hagas pato 

For those people who pretend not to pay attention or for those who do not want to do something that they were asked to do, you can tell them this,

“Stop playing dumb”

Source: Unsplash

If the invention of phrases were an Olympic sport, Mexicans would always win first place. Sometimes it is difficult to keep up with the phrases that are created every day, and much more when we want to know how we can say them in English.

Even so, say them in Spanish and share our phrases with all our countrymen. Let’s not let this tradition die when we cross the border.

Who Would Be in the Mexican Avengers?

Marvel and DC Comics have created characters like Captain America, Superman or Batman, which have been popular for so many years that several generations remember them as their favorites.

However, México is not behind when it comes to heroic characters that have marked the childhood of many. With the unique touch that characterizes Mexicans, several of us grew up seeing these characters.

Source: Unsplash

But who are these defenders of justice? And what have they contributed to Mexican culture?

El Chapulín Colorado

Source: Wikimedia

In 1970 the Chapulín colorado was created to parody the superhero programs that were in fashion at the time. The Chapulín was clumsy, fearful and did not have any type of superpowers, although he did have the Chicarra Paralizadora, his Chiquitolina pills or our favorite, the Chipote Chillón.

Currently, we cannot see a Chapulín Colorado costume or shirt without thinking of Mexico. This is definitely a character that is part of our culture.

El Santo

Source: Wikimedia

The silver masked man is one of the most famous luchadores in Mexico and one of the icons in Mexican culture. El Santo has been a popular hero in our country and is a symbol of justice for people, since his character transcendeds the field of wrestling and became a superhero by appearing in dozens of films.

In the animated series El Chavo, there is a character called “el Justiciero Enmascarado” who is possibly a reference to Santo himself due to his physical resemblance.


Source: Wikimedia

Capulina also known as the king of white humor , because he never used obscene words or adult content situations in his jokes, he was not only a great comedian, but he also co-starred in a movie alongside wrestling legend El Santo (El Santo vs Capulina (1972).

Capulina made a total of 84 films and recorded 12 musical albums.

Pepe el Toro

Source: Amazon

It is possible that the image of Pepe el Toro is not 100% reflected as a hero, since he is best known for his appearances in Nosotros los Pobres or Ustedes los Ricos. However, in the movie “Pepe el Toro” he gives us the opportunity to see him in a different way, far from the great suffering that we see in his other films.

Pepe el Toro becomes a boxer and accidentally kills his best friend during a semi-final fight. Channeling his anger and frustration, Pepe wins the championship and begins to befriend his friend’s widow.

Pepe el Toro is part of the 23 film library of the most iconic Mexican movie star, Pedro Infante .

Chabelo and Pepito

Source: Wikimedia

What? Chabelo a hero?

Believe it or not, Chabelo starred in a movie where he fights the most famous monsters in the 70s.

Pepito and Chabelo are cousins ​​and during an excursion with the Boy Scouts they separate from the group to go find a gorilla for which they offered a reward of $500 pesos.

During their journey, the gorilla is the one who finds them and they are forced to escape leaving all their equipment, little by little they enter a mysterious cave in which they find The Mummy, The Man from the Green Lagoon, Frankenstein and the Vampire.

As they advance through the cave they arrive at a haunted house and by mistake they discover that both the haunted house, the cave and the monsters are just a trick to scare the travelers, because of a hidden group of thugs who trafficked with Uranium called Spectrum.


Source: Amazon

Chiquidrácula “ñaka ñaka”. Perhaps for many Chiquidrácula is better seen as a villain, but let’s remember that his goal was to save his grandfather from alcoholism. He made his first appearance in 1982 on the show “Chiquilladas.”

In 1986 the film Chiquidrácula was released, which focused on the history and possible origins of this character. In this movie, we hear many words that are etched in our heads, but the most famous is, “naka ñaka” which is an expression that became popular thanks to this Mexican television character, which was played by Carlos Espejel.

Source: Wikimedia

Phrases like,  And now, who can help us?” are still said on the streets if Mexico, and recently a small tribute to el Santo was made in the Disney movie “Coco.” There is no doubt that Mexicans know how to make our way on the road to fame and create characters that remain in everyone’s hearts.

No contaban con mi Astucia”

Did we miss a character? Tell us in the comments below.

5 Things Mexicans Love that Will Not be the Same After the Pandemic

During the pandemic, our routine and way of life have changed considerably. There are those who have not seen their familia y amigos for months. Things are not the way they used to be and there is no doubt that we would like to return to the life we ​​used to live before the pandemic, but could it be possible?

And that is despite the fact that one day we’ll stop putting on face masks and we will be allowed to be among a group of people. Will we feel safe enough to go back to doing the things we used to do before? Mexicans have many customs that require physical contact with others and these customs may now begin to disappear due to the coronavirus. Here are a few examples:


Photo by Omar Lopez on Unsplash

Nowadays due to the “social distance” it is not possible to greet people with a kiss. And friends who used to greet each other with a kiss on the cheek have to settle for just saying hello from afar. This is an old custom, especially among high school and college youth. However, there will be many who will not resume that habit once we return to normal, either because they never liked that habit or because they prefer to be safe than sorry.


The tradition of the mordida is not only classic among Mexicans, but also one of the funniest parts of the holidays. There are those who sing the mañanitas as fast as they can in order to move on to the part of burying the birthday boy’s face in the cake. However, when it comes to the coronavirus, this tradition is not a good idea. Before the times of the pandemic, several people already thought that this tradition was somewhat unsanitary, due to the great contact that the birthday boy has with the cake. Now that we are all trying to keep other people’s germs and viruses as far away from us, the bite may no longer be a part of birthday parties in the future.


Photo by Long Truong on Unsplash

Perhaps many miss clubbing and wish more than anything they could party until the amanecer. The problem with these places is that many do not have a large space and it is normal to be very close to the people who are dancing on the floor. The sweat that comes from dancing all night is something we should avoid at this time. The great risks of contagion that are generated in the clubs may cause fear of going to these places once they are fully open again.


Listening to Vicente Fernandez songs while passing the bottle of tequila around a group of friends is as Mexican as nopal. Sharing drinks at the time the party starts or some kind of celebration is not uncommon among Mexicans. However, in the times of the coronavirus it is something that should be avoided as much as possible. Maybe some people don’t mind sharing the bottle again. However, there are those who from now on prefer to have their own drink and that only they have to touch it.


Photo by Anna Earl on Unsplash

In some bars or parties they may have the habit of having their clients sing at Karaoke. But passing a microphone around a group of friends and singing in a small room goes against the guidance of epidemiologists. Maybe now we have to forget about singing at the top of our lungs when we go to a bar and there is no longer Karaoke time.

One of the good things that the coronavirus leaves us is that now many of us are getting used to washing their hands and disinfecting things that other people have constantly touched. Perhaps this will become the new normal even when the coronavirus is no longer a threat. At the same time this could also create a certain paranoia that did not exist before. What you prefer to do is valid, the important thing is that we stay healthy.

Mexican Earthquakes, Resilience, and a Dog Named Frida

Today, 19 September 2021, marking the 36th anniversary of the devastating 1985 Mexico City earthquake. Unfortunately, Mexicans have another, more recent seismic event on their minds, as well. But despite the jarring coincidence of a second major earthquake rattling the city on the exact same date, the 2017 Puebla earthquake presents a different kind of story than that of a disaster made worse by government inaction and ineptitude. It’s a story of courage, hope, and resilience. And the face of that story is a heroic dog named Frida.

Frida the rescue dog. Photo by Gobierno de la Ciudad de México, CC BY 4.0 

On Mexican Courage and Resilience in the Face of Disaster

Any earthquake is, of course, a huge tragedy for those who lose loved ones and/or homes. And the sensation of feeling the Earth below you shaking or the building you’re in swaying is pretty nerve-wracking, let alone witnessing entire concrete buildings collapsing to the ground! So the stories of people rushing in to try to help instead of running in the opposite direction in search of safety says so much about the nature of the many chilangos who did just that during the 2017 earthquake, a 7.1 quake, whose epicenter was determined to be just outside San Felipe Ayutla, Puebla, by the US Geological Survey.

Diego Luna says he was inspired by seeing Mexicans running into the danger zone to help:

A reporter from the Dallas Daily News also documented the resilience and solidarity of the Mexican people in the face of disaster and hardship, highlighting how a new generation of young Mexicans who weren’t around back in 1985 has taken it upon themselves to do whatever it takes to help their neighbors and move their country forward.  I mean, this snippet says it all: 

“’There is more courage in Mexico than in any other country I know,’ said John Womack, a historian at Harvard University and longtime expert on Mexico. ‘The resilience — strength of heart, corazon, courage — comes from family and from historically, for centuries, having to face disaster after disaster without much of a coherent state to help.’”

Volunteers moving debris in Colonia Obrera, Mexico City
Photo by ProtoplasmaKid, CC BY-SA 4.0 

Frida the Rescue Dog Goes Viral

The biggest hero to emerge from the 2017 terremoto was Frida the rescue dog. Frida became an international star after the Secretaria de Marina (SEMAR) posted this tweet about the loveable golden Labrador retriever several days before the Puebla quake, as she had been hard at work helping rescue people caught in the massive 8.2 Chiapas earthquake that had shaken much of the country on 9 September. 

Although there were other valiant rescue dogs that also helped save lives by going into dangerous situations in search of survivors, Frida was the most experienced among them. She and her handler, Israel Arauz Salinas, have even been honored with a statue in the city of Puebla along with a plaque that memorializes the pair as “symbols of the strength Mexicans can have when we decide to come together for great causes.” 

This article first appeared in on 9/17/2019.

9+ Toys That will Remind you of Your Childhood in México

In the modern world full of technology it is difficult to imagine that we ever played with toys made of wood or that we sat for hours playing board games.

Many experts talk about the importance of restricting the time our children spend in front of the television. But did you know that taking our kids away from technology and instead offering them toys that don’t use batteries helps develop their imaginaciones?

Giving our children 100% Mexican handmade toys not only helps them learn about Mexican cultura, it also helps them to be smarter every day.

Here is a list of the most famous toys from our childhood that we could share with our children:


This game is not only fun, but it can also help your children learn new Spanish words. You are guaranteed to keep the whole family entertained for hours. Did someone say El Borracho?

Wooden Boxeadores

Source: Wikimedia

The boxers game is perfect for people who want to challenge their speed. Children who like video games or challenges may find this game fascinating. The fastest fingers will be the ones that take the gold belt.

Muñecas de Trapo

Rag dolls are a national craft that are not as appreciated as they should be. Each doll is different because they are all completely handmade. This could be a beautiful gift for an expectant mom or as a last doll gift for a quinceañera.


Maybe you have ever been frustrated by “losing everything” with this game, but maybe you have also been the lucky one to “ganar todo“. With this game we can expand our imagination and invent new ways to use the pirinola in housework, activities, exercises, etc. Each family can have their own way of playing pirinola and create new traditions that mark the childhood of your children.  

The Tablitas Mágicas

Something that seems like a thing of magic are the famous little boards, the way they change position impacts many and it is incredible to know that Mexican artisans are the creators of this fantastic game.

The Balero

Balero is one of the most challenging games of all, in addition to the fact that it is almost impossible to put the bearing in place on the first try, you should also be careful not to end up with a black eye. Despite all these challenges, you can spend several hours enjoying this game.

The Trompo

Something new that you can teach your children is the “picotazos“. This game is the favorite of many, you can practice for hours to perfect the art of the top and you can also play with several people to see who is the one who can keep their top spinning until the end.  


The domino is not 100% Mexican, as it is believed that it was actually created in China. However, our Mexican artisans can create beautiful wooden games that you can use at family gatherings to entertain your guests.

Luchador mask

There are many children who like to play Make-Believe or dress up to look like their favorite character. Whether it’s for Halloween or just to pretend to be a Mexican wrestler, luchador masks are ideal for kids with big imaginations.

Bonus: Chavo del 8

Ok, this is not precisely a toy from childhood, but definitely the El Chavo character is, and anything that reminds us of that great TV show is something we want. These dolls are more of a collectible that you can keep to remind you of the good ol’ Chavito.

These are not even half of the things that Mexican hands can create, there are cars, guitars, noisemakers, carousels, trucks, yo-yos and much more. You don’t need a shopping center to find the perfect toy for your children, the next time you have the opportunity to visit Mexico, maybe it would be a good idea to walk through the streets full of handicrafts and support the artisans who need our support so much.

“Remember that what is done in Mexico is well done”

5 Characters from “El Loco” Valdés that We Will Never Forget

Last year, we lost a great one of Mexican comedy – Manuel “El loco” Valdés. And, even though the comedian had not been working on a large television project for several years, he continued to be an important reference point for comedy in Mexico.

A member of a truly unique family of the Mexican artistic environment. His brothers Germán Valdés “TinTan” and Ramón Valdés, are widely recognized not only in Mexico, but throughout Latin America and more.

Although it is sad that he’s no longer with us, surely “El Loco” Valdés would prefer that we remembered him fondly and, as always, making us laugh. Therefore, here we recompile 5 of the characters that Manuel Valdés made immortal.


One of the reference films of El Loco Valdés is, without a doubt, Dos Fantasmas y Una Muchacha, where he plays Francois de Lavalier, Germán Pérez’s staunch enemy, played by his brother Germán Valdés “TinTan”.


Another of the duos that made history with Manuel Valdés was the one he did with Hector Lechuga, with the Hermanitas Mibanco. How can we forget the famous “pellizquito de pulguita, por mentirosita!”?


It was surely not his best movie, but it was one that those of us who grew up in the 70s and 80s saw on television more than once and recognized the voice of the famous actor.


In a story similar to that of Dos Fantasmas y Una Muchacha, El Loco Valdés joins his brother TinTan again and now accompanying two other referents of the Mexican comedy: Antonio Espino ‘Clavillazo’ and Adalberto Martínez ‘Resortes’. Without comparing to the previous one, a classic without a doubt.


Without a doubt, his best character is the one he played all his life, on and off the screen: El Loco. An unparalleled character, whether in cinema, on TV or even in soccer, he made us spend unforgettable moments that many Mexicans carry in our hearts.

Goodbye, Don Manuel.

What other memories do you have of Don Manuel “El Loco” Valdés? Tell us in the comments below.

The Contrasting Family Values of Mexico and USA

As anyone from Mexico knows, la familia is one of the most important aspects of life. It is a fact that family comes first and that traditions are passed down from generation to generation. As an immigrant living in the United States, it is almost horrible to see the difference in family values ​​from those to which one is accustomed at home in Mexico. Here I share a comparison of family values ​​in Mexico and those observed here in the United States.

Photo by  Gonzalo Facello  from  Pexels


Respeto is not something that is required in Mexico; it is something that is expected. Children respect their elders because that is how they are supposed to be. If someone older than you walks into the room, you’d better get up and offer them your seat. If your neighbor asks you for help, it will not be because you will get something, but because it is the right thing to do. Things are done as second nature rather than obligation or fear. While there are areas where this is changing, they are few and far between.

In direct contrast, here in the United States, the value of respect appears to be out of date. While you can still find areas that follow what they call old-school values ​​here, they are becoming more and more rare. Here in the United States, respect is a virtue that is demanded and often issued out of fear of the repercussions of not showing it. However, this is also a waning practice. Many, including children, do not respect their elders or the needs of those around them. It has become common to look away when a neighbor needs it. The values ​​here become very selfish and move away from the respect of the old days.

Photo by  Frederik Trovatten  from  Pexels


Families in Mexico are very close. While family members may lead their own lives, they share triumphs and sorrows together. Familias in Mexico often live together until each child marries and in many cases even after marriage. If the children move, it is often close to their parents. If family members move to other areas, they try to connect or stay in touch as often as possible. Many of the small pueblos are made up of families that are spread throughout the town. While the larger cities are a bit different, the family connection is still evident in most places.

In the United States, however, family closeness has a different meaning. As families gather for vacations or birthdays, many families also begin to skip these events. The importance of earning money and improving one’s life has been given importance. So much so that the family is often left behind in the fight for success. This is not to say that family is not important to Americans, only that the relationship between family members is very different here than in Mexico. 

Photo by  Matthew T Rader  on  Unsplash


In Mexico, as parents or family members age, it is typical for a child or other family member to stay close and help care for their viejitos. While they can maintain their independence for a long time, family members often stop by to see and talk for a time. Siblings sit outside reminiscing about old times, grandchildren come over to spend a few hours with their older abuelos, and their sons and daughters cook and clean for their parents.

Here in the United States, there are many who verify an aging family member. However, all too often, this visit is to a retirement home. As family members reach certain ages, children or siblings begin to search for the most comfortable retirement home to live in. While these houses are often charming, they provide the elderly with a place where they can live and receive the medical care they need. It is not the same as being part of the family or living in your own home and having personal space. This is not to say that Americans love their family members less, just that the practices observed seem quite strange to immigrants.

Photo by  Pablo Rebolledo  on  Unsplash

While each culture has its own family values, the norms for one country seem quite strange to those of another. In this way, the family values ​​of people in the United States are in stark contrast to what we are used to being from Mexico. Here in the United States, they call all these changes progress. Me, in the hope that as immigrants living in this country, we can uphold our family values ​​and keep them alive on a daily basis here in the United States.

¿Porqué no Dar una Clase Sobre La Historia de México en Escuelas Estadounidenses?

Hace algunas semanas debutó un libro que causó sensación en el estado de Texas, Forget the Alamo, cuya intención es la de desmentir la historia que siempre se nos ha contado sobre la Batalla del Álamo. Pero como era de esperarse esto no le pareció a el señor gobernador ni a los miembros de su gabinete que han hecho hasta lo imposible para evitar la distribución del texto. 

Aun así es importante recalcar que libros como este son necesarios en la época que estamos viviendo, época en la cual los republicanos blancos están buscando borrar la historia de las minorías en este país mientras tratan de impulsar una educación más patriótica en las escuelas. Ejemplo de esto es el Proyecto de ley 2497 mejor conocido como el “Proyecto 1836” que intenta pasar el gobernador de Texas, el cual se centra en el año en que Texas se independizó de México y está destinado a promover una “educación patriótica” para los residentes del estado. Según el Proyecto de ley 2497, el “Proyecto 1836” es esencialmente el nombre de un comité asesor diseñado para promover la historia del estado entre los residentes de Texas, en gran parte a través de folletos entregados a las personas que reciben licencias de conducir. También premiará a los estudiantes por su conocimiento de la historia y los valores del estado.

Pero a los críticos les preocupa que el nuevo proyecto sea parte del impulso nacional de los republicanos para limitar la discusión de la teoría crítica de la raza en las escuelas. El Proyecto de Ley 3979 de la Cámara de Representantes, que ahora espera la aprobación de Abbott, limitará la forma en que los maestros de Texas pueden discutir los eventos actuales y el racismo en los Estados Unidos. El “Proyecto 1836” también requiere la promoción de “la herencia cristiana del estado”. Otra pieza de legislación que espera la firma de Abbott, el Proyecto de Ley del Senado 797, requiere que las escuelas de Texas exhiban la frase “In God We Trust” en los edificios del campus si es que se les dona dicha señalización.

Otro aspecto del “Proyecto 1836” que es controversial es su nombre. Algunos han señalado que la independencia de Texas no se aplicaba a todos los que vivían en el estado en ese momento, como los esclavos y los grupos indígenas. La Constitución de la República de Texas, aprobada en 1836, legalizó la esclavitud y excluyó a los grupos indígenas de obtener la independencia.

Muchos historiadores y profesores denuncian leyes como la anterior y apoyan libros como Forget the Alamo. En un artículo para The Washington Post la profesora de historia de la ciencia y profesora Antonio Madero para el estudio de México en la Universidad de Harvard, Gabriela Soto Laveaga, dijo lo siguiente:

“Se trata de negar quiénes somos como nación. Mas que borrar un hecho histórico, es otro ejemplo de la práctica continua y peligrosa de seleccionar partes de nuestro pasado para que encajen en los mitos nacionales predeterminados. Esta no es una práctica nueva ni nuestra sociedad es la única que reescribe la historia para adaptarse a los vientos políticos actuales. Sin embargo, negar un análisis serio y fáctico de nuestro pasado sabotea la capacidad de lograr una sociedad más justa e igualitaria. Si comenzamos la historia de nuestros orígenes nacionales con falsedades, continuaremos repitiendo y expandiendo estas ficciones para que la mentira inicial tenga sentido.”

Gabriela Soto Laveaga

La profesora Soto piensa que esta situación en particular tendría solución si se ofrecieran clases sobre la historia de México en las escuelas, justamente lo contrario de lo que piensan las personas como Abbott. Sobre el porqué México en específico ella dice:

“¿Por qué México? Entre otras razones, México perdió más del 50 por ciento de su territorio ante Estados Unidos. En pocas palabras, gran parte de nuestro país alguna vez fue México. Analizar los orígenes de esta ganancia territorial sitúa los debates actuales sobre la inmigración, la frontera e incluso qué idiomas se pueden enseñar en las escuelas en una perspectiva más amplia. El ensayista y premio Nobel Octavio Paz comprendió el valor de esto hace décadas cuando escribió, “al llegar a conocer México, los norteamericanos pueden aprender a comprender una parte no reconocida de sí mismos”. Esa parte no reconocida es complicada. Usemos solo un ejemplo, la Guerra México-Estadounidense o la Invasión de los Estados Unidos, como se le conoce en México, para ilustrar cómo este evento fundamental podría enseñarse en las aulas estadounidenses para expandir la forma en que estudiamos las acciones de nuestra entonces aún incipiente nación.”

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Si eres mexicano-americano y vives o naciste en Texas lo más probable es que en algún momento de tu vida algún familiar Mexicano te haya dicho “ustedes nos robaron Texas y California”. Y si eres como yo y si pones atención en tu clase de historia casi seguro intentaste debatir y decir que no fue así, incluso llegaste a culpar a México por perder el territorio. Pero conforme pasó el tiempo y busqué información por mi misma y escuché las historias que tenían que contar mis familiares me di cuenta que las cosas no encajaban. Aun así, no fue hasta mi primera clase de historia en la universidad que caí en cuenta que la mayoría de lo que nos enseñan en la escuela no es verdad, lo primero que nos dijo el profesor fue “olviden todo lo que creen que saben porque nada es cierto”. El problema es que no deberíamos de tener que esperar hasta estar en la universidad para recibir la información correcta, para aprender la historia de este país como realmente sucedió, y eso es lo que los escritores de este libro, historiadores y profesores como Gabriela Soto Laveaga intentan impulsar. 

La historia que Soto, los escritores de Forget the Alamo y México cuentan es la siguiente: Cuando México otorgó permiso a los angloamericanos para establecerse en el territorio escasamente poblado entonces conocido como Tejas, estos colonos aceptaron acatar las leyes Mexicanas y fueron alentados a aprender español, convertirse al catolicismo, casarse con mexicanos y, finalmente, renunciar la esclavitud. Pero los angloamericanos desafiaron todas estas expectativas. Comenzaron superando el límite del número de angloamericanos que podían establecerse en México. Eso les permitió superar en número a los mexicanos en su territorio. Los estadounidenses luego se negaron a seguir las leyes del país; en respuesta, México envió tropas para patrullar sus fronteras, entendiendo que una facción de tejanos tenía la intención de fomentar la secesión de México. Sin embargo el destino de Tejas no fue decidido en el campo de batalla, sino en Washington, D.C. En 1837, Estados Unidos reconoció a Texas como un estado independiente, lo que avivó la ira de México. Parte de la disputa fue por el donde iba a ser trazada la frontera, en el Río Nueces o Río Grande, lo que le daría a Texas 150 millas adicionales de territorio. Este detalle geográfico es importante. Polk, decidido impulsar la guerra, afirmando que una batalla fronteriza que involucró a tropas mexicanas y estadounidenses derramó “sangre estadounidense en suelo estadounidense”. Pero esta afirmación era falsa; la batalla ocurrió en el territorio que estaba siendo disputado. El aún no presidente Abraham Lincoln, objetando la mentira de Polk, presentó la Resolución Spot de 1847, que presentaba la evidencia de que la pelea no ocurrió en suelo estadounidense.

Como esta hay miles de historias más que no sabemos, historias que pintan un Estados Unidos distinto al que nos intentan enseñar en las escuelas. Historias que si fueran contadas verídicamente podrían traer un mayor entendimiento de quienes somos y poco a poco podrían ayudar a erradicar el odio y el racismo en este país. Historias que deberíamos de conocer desde pequeños.

Si alguno de ustedes quisiera leer el artículo de la profesora Gabriela Soto Laveaga este es el link:

Empezando Mi Propio Sueño Americano

Mexicana de nacimiento en la capital del país, antes llamado Distrito Federal (DF) hoy Ciudad de México. Culturalmente en mi generación (1980’s). Durante mi adolescencia escuchaba que había una gran nación ‘superior’ a la nuestra. Se decía en la escuela, en la familia, incluso en la convivencia con las amistades y en fiestas. No se hablaba de la superioridad como tal, pero por las expresiones lo captaba, era como una comunicación subliminal. Por supuesto había personas que iban en contra de esas ideologías, siempre defendiendo nuestras raíces, nuestra tierra, nuestra cultura. Sin embargo, pocos eran.

En aquel tiempo yo ignoraba un poco de geografía cultural, en la escuela me habían enseñado los estados y capitales de México y también las capitales de los países ‘mas importantes’. Sin embargo, los profesores raramente hablaban de la cultura en diferentes localidades, incluso de nuestras localidades vecinas y ni qué decir de los estados contiguos.

La familia de mi papá reside en Ciudad de México y la de mi mamá se esparció entre Querétaro, Guanajuato y San Luis Potosí. Cada que eran vacaciones (o veranos, como les dicen aquí en USA) me trasladaba para esos estados. Para mí era lo mas parecido a lo que se le conoce como diversidad cultural, o el termino ser foráneo, coloquialmente conocido como ‘Tu no eres de aquí’.

Observaba las diferencias en aquellos estados y cabe mencionar, son estados vecinos, pegados unos con otros y aun así me sentía como estar lejos de donde pertenecía. Comparaba cada comportamiento, comida, expresión, cuidados, y maneras de abordar las situaciones que se presentaban. Unas me parecían agradables, otras desagradables, otras muchas mas curiosas e incluso divertidas, sin embargo, después de algunos días añoraba regresar a mi casa, a mi lugar de pertenencia. Me gustaba mucho viajar y conocer nuevas formas de vida, ya que siempre regresaba con un aprendizaje de ‘lo que hay allá afuera’, pero lo que mas me confortaba era saber que regresaría a donde pertenecía o, dicho coloquialmente’, de donde yo era’.

Y pensándolo bien, no solamente cuando viajaba me sentía foránea. Incluso dentro de mi ciudad también, cuando me cambiaba de colegio, mis padres me cambiaron muchas veces de primaria y secundaria (lo que aquí en USA se conoce como elementary y middle school) y al llegar por primera vez (o muchas primeras veces) yo era la nueva, la que no es de aquí, la que empieza un nuevo trayecto. Todo para mí siempre fue adaptarme al cambio, lo que me generaba mucho estrés, por las nuevas cosas que acontecerían, y mi carácter introvertido.

Volviendo al tema principal, siempre que me topaba con el tema de USA, tenia implícito el engrandecimiento de lo que significaba ese país. Desde muy temprana edad algunas compañeras de escuela presumían el haber ido en vacaciones a Walt Disney en Florida, o el simple hecho de haber visitado a sus familiares de allá. Cosas tan cotidianas como ‘mis tenis que me trajeron de Estados Unidos’, o el ‘comí una hamburguesa’ otra vez como en Estados Unidos. Tanto era el presumir o hablar algo acerca de allá que culturalmente lo adoptabas como algo superior, era ya tan normalizado.

Al pasar los años, yo entrando a la educación de nivel Medio Superior (conocido en USA como High School) debido a la situación económica por la que cruzaba mi país, mis padres sin haber terminado sus estudios y yo en colegios particulares, mi mama se queda sin trabajo, es ahí donde decide migrar a los Estados Unidos, sola, sin papeles y con la esperanza de construir un futuro para mi. Un sueño americano. Es ahí donde quizás iniciaría mas tarde mi nueva historia…

5 Edificios Icónicos de México

México lo tiene todo: desiertos, playas, junglas y hermosas ciudades. Es un mundo donde puedes encontrar lo que sea que estés buscando dependiendo de tus gustos. Pero a pesar de las diferencias hay algo que puedes encontrar en cualquier lugar al que vayas, impresionantes edificaciones. La arquitectura ha sido parte de la herencia cultural de nuestro país desde la época prehispánica. La Pirámide de Kukulkán en Chichénitzá, La Pirámide del Sol en Teotihuacán y El Palacio en Palenque son solo algunos ejemplos de la majestuosa arquitectura de nuestros antepasados. También están las bellísimas estructuras coloniales, ciudades como Zacatecas quien fue elegida como la mejor ciudad colonial del 2019 o San Miguel de Allende quien ha sido votada la mejor ciudad del mundo por turistas. Cada edificio sirve como testimonio histórico de la evolución del país.

Como última parte de la tríada de artículos basados en el arte en México, hoy hablaremos de la arquitectura. Pero va a ser algo diferente a los artículos anteriores ya que en lugar de hablar sobre las personas que han creado estos magníficos lugares, hablaremos sobre los lugares en sí. México cuenta con decenas de edificaciones memorables para nosotros pero hay algunas que son más reconocidas internacionalmente y esas son las cuales listaré.


Photo by Raquel Moss on Unsplash

Chichénitzá es la ciudad maya más grande de la península de Yucatán y uno de los destinos turísticos más visitados de México. El monumento más famoso de Chichénitzá es la pirámide El Castillo. El diseño del templo tiene un significado astronómico especial. Cada cara de la pirámide tiene una escalera con 91 escalones, que junto con el escalón compartido en la parte superior, suman 365, la cantidad de días en un año.

El Palacio de Bellas Artes

El Palacio de Bellas Artes es un destacado centro cultural en la Ciudad de México. Ha acogido algunos de los eventos más destacados de la música, la danza, el teatro, la ópera y la literatura y ha sido sede de importantes exposiciones de pintura, escultura y fotografía. Como consecuencia, el Palacio de Bellas Artes ha sido denominado la “Catedral del Arte en México”. También es un edificio muy interesante ya que cuenta con varios estilos arquitectónicos como el art deco, neoclásico y art nouveau.

Basilica de Santa Maria de Guadalupe

La Virgen de Guadalupe es la Reina de México y la Emperatriz de las Américas. En ningún lugar su culto es tan fuerte como en la Basílica de Guadalupe, construida en su honor y ahora uno de los sitios religiosos más visitados del mundo.

La Basílica Nueva, como se le conoce, fue construida entre 1974-1976 por Pedro Ramírez Vásquez. El edificio es un ejemplo de la arquitectura de los setentas y su estructura puede ser comparada con una carpa. Cuenta con siete entradas que representan las siete puertas de la Jerusalén celestial a las que se hace referencia en la Biblia.

Museo Soumaya

El Museo Soumaya es lo más destacado de la vasta colección de galerías de arte de la Ciudad de México. Si bien es predominantemente reconocido por su arquitectura única y sorprendente, las colecciones de arte que se encuentran en los asombrosos edificios que componen este museo son igualmente extraordinarias. En total, el Museo Soumaya alberga una gran colección privada de más de 66.000 obras de arte que van desde Mesoamérica hasta la actualidad.

Parroquia de Santa Prisca

Photo by Laurent Espitallier on El Souvenir

La Iglesia de Santa Prisca, es una magnífica estructura barroca ubicada en la ciudad de Taxco. Construida en el siglo XVIII, la iglesia es un hito colonial que fue encargado por un próspero propietario de una mina española. Hecho de piedra rosa, con grandes torres gemelas y decorado con azulejos, este es un monumento ornamentado que ningún entusiasta de la arquitectura querría perderse. En el interior, nueve enormes retablos se extienden desde el suelo hasta el techo, y cada uno está cubierto de oro.

Parece injusto tener que elegir solo 5 de cientos de edificios icónicos en nuestro país, pero estos fueron los más elegidos por los extranjeros. No cabe duda que a donde quiera que decidas ir en México te encontrarás con obras de arte de esta magnitud así que no dejemos de visitarlas.